• Silent Letter Day (2025)

    (on the “Last Wed-nes-day in Feb-r-uary” …. because autum-n is already such a busy time of year …. or of course feel free to celebrate on a different day that works better for you)

    All credit to Michael McIntyre for this wonderful new holiday to go along with other new classics such as May the 4th, Talk Like a Pirate Day, and Festivus!

    Check out his original content here:


    Ideas for celebrating Silent Letter Day ….

    • Invite friends & family over for potluck on the last Wednesday of February (or maybe a weekend date near that, if that’s better for your schedule) … especially people you know who know how to k-nit, or want to learn. It’s the perfect intergenerational, co-ed, multi-purpose holiday!
    • Prepare Silent Letter Bingo boards with silent letter words on it, then print and pass them out to people as they arrive. Listen closely while people are chatting and if you hear a silent letter word in conversation, you can cross it off and try to win Bingo!
    • Decorate the party place with g-nomes. (maybe exchange as gifts, but definitely decorate!) Maybe play a party game or two as people are arriving ….. “Pin the Hat on the Gnome” ? “Hide & Gnome Seek” ? “Gnome Trivia” ?
    • Reach out to your local k-nitting club, too, just in case they don’t know about Silent Letter Day yet. Maybe they will come to your event, or host their own that you and your friends can attend?
    • Enjoy a great meal from the buff-et . . . with just a k-nife? (table knife or butter knife, please – safety first!)
    • Bring your k-nitting! After the meal, settle in to enjoy some relaxed time together while you work on your own project, or teach/learn, as you prefer. (or any other handwork is fine, too)
    • Maybe have a “supplies swap” as part of the gathering? Set up an extra table where people can pile up their extra yarn, kits they haven’t used, needles, pattern books, and other supplies they are willing to trade or give away
    • Remember to finish up the fun by hal-f past the h-our

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Happy Silent Letter Day, everyone!